“Only if we manage to see the universe as a complete whole in which each part reflects the totality and where its great variety is its great beauty will we begin to understand who and where we really are.”
TizianoTerzani-“Letter against war”
Welcoming others and feeling welcomed
Diversity is life itself. It’s world reality.
Diversity is necessary to our very survival;it’sevolution’s secret. Each living being is born unique and different from all others and it’sonly together with them that they form the universe.
The Differences wants to see man meet man and understand all his different cultures -up close and personal.
Our company is especially for those who want not only to encounter other cultures but also enter into genuine dialogue with them; it’s for travellers who relish challenge, have the courage to really get involved and the ability to appreciate others’ points of view and their different way of being.
Real adventure is not physical, but rather is about real, personal growth, pushing the boundaries, increasing our individual ability to adapt. It’s about broadening our horizons in every sense. Adventure is all about developing an ‘eye’ for seeing beyond the obvious.
We believe that any country can only truly bediscovered and intimately understood through its music, its songs, its smells and perfumes; having admired its sunsets and listened to the talk of its local people, it’s only by experiencing the place at an emotional level, a heart level that you can really understand a place and commune with the soul of the country you’re visiting.