
Indian Balloon Experience

Indian Balloon Experience

The Enviroment:

Balloon Experience

Romancing the Sky

Get ready for the famous Rajasthan Balloon Experience!

The unforgettable mass ascension—where hundred of hot air balloons take off and turn the sky into a virtual rainbow of colors and all balloons fire up their burners and light up at the same time.

Client’s experience is the only way to explain this itinerary !

Being Responsible

This is one of the best Responsible way to discover a country and Sky Team is preparing more interesting options in India for Jaipur Tours, Tours to Ranthambore and Pushkar Fair .

“Our Baloons Experience began pretty early that morning, when their cheerful crew came and picked us up at our hotel. My friends and I were brimming with anticipation and threw a barrage of questions at the crew, which they answered happily. After all, this was going to be our first acquaintance with a hot air balloon flight in India..

Soon, we reached the launch site and were greeted with a scene of bustling activity. The mammoth balloons were being unwrapped and we immediately whipped out our cameras to record this unusual sight. The fabric swelled out majestically, the balloon became upright and our air chariot was ready for us.

We were helped into the basket – I believe it’s called a gondola – and made ourselves comfortable. Then, it seemed as if someone released the invisible ropes that tie us to mother earth, we swayed a little, there was a sudden flare of flames above us… and we were up, up and away.

We were lifted gently, watching the earth fall away below us. Soon, we were flying over forts and castles, craggy mountains, sandy stretches and green plains. We dipped down to kiss the waters of a limpid lake, then floated up again. We flew over towns and villages, even spotted a herd of deer. None of us had ever seen the world from this perspective. There’s no rush, no urgency, no whirring of engines. It’s peaceful, serene and incredibly beautiful.

There’s no feeling quite like it, nothing on earth that can match the magic of floating on air, the sense of being at one with the sky and looking down at a world that is looking up at you!”


Their safety norms are identical to those followed anywhere in the world. The entire project has been set up under the advisory services of well-known consultants from overseas.

* Approximately 60 minutes of a balloon flight.

* Pick-Up and drop to/from the Hotel to be provided by us.

* Witness the exhilarating sight of the balloons being inflated and prepared for the flight.

* Tea/Coffee & Cookies are served at the launch site.

* A Certificate of First Flight shall be handed over duly signed by your pilot.

* Internationally practiced safety norms are being followed.

* All Flights are duly ensured on the Hull and the Occupants as per the prevailing international standards.

* Balloons to be flown by highly experienced international pilots from the UK and USA.

* The Project has been set up under the able guidance of one of the world’s best consultants

Romancing the Sky

* Passenger basket done up in flowers

* Flower bouquet at launch or landing site

* Champagne breakfast or Champagne toasting at a select romantic location

* Special message hanging banners

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